OVERVIEW In the age of digitalization and sustainable development, education in Vietnam has been challenged in many aspects from policy to management, from pedagogies to methodologies and curricula. While many of these problems are unique to the Vietnamese context, possible solutions may well be inspired and generated from international experiences and success stories. In this background, AVSE Global - Education Network (EduNet) has initiated a long-term action-oriented agenda aiming at rethinking and innovating education, with the overall theme of “Tomorrow Schools, Future Citizens”. We adopt a critical interdisciplinary approach that brings together various stakeholders as well as experts in addressing challenges of the education system in order to sustainable outcomes. AVSE Global - Edunet collaborates Vietnam National University Hanoi - University of Education to organize the Vietnam Education Symposium on 09th of June, 2020. This is a platform where all stakeholders will contribute open and constructive dialogues to re-defining objectives for education of our future generations, modernizing pedagogical approaches and collaborating with various stakeholders in co-producing sustainable and innovative outcomes of education. Due to the spread of the coronavirus and the recommendations of international organizations and governments about social distancing and restrictions on traveling, VES 2020 was put online. The organization committee adjusted and updated the program so that it can reflect the short and long-term impact of the pandemic on teaching, learning, and education systems in several countries.
TOPIC The Vietnam Education Symposium 2020 will focus on three main topics: 1. (Re)defining aims of education for the 21st century 2. Collaboration in education, social science, and promoting a learning society 3. Teaching and learning, teacher education, and roles of schools in the age of digitalization. Learn more about our VES 2020 in the conference booklet.
==================================================================== KEYNOTES PRESENTATION Prof Wilfried ADMIRAAL, Leiden University, Netherland Technology-enhanced teaching to promote students’ active learning: Exploring new practices or consolidating teaching from the pre-COVID 19 era?
Keith BARTON, Indiana University, USA Social Science Education: Innovative Forms, Enduring Concerns
Rana DAJANI, Hashemite University, Jordan Reimaging Education: The Case of We Love Reading
Marek TESAR, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Khanh Trung NGUYEN, City Open University, Vietnam Autonomy of actors in learning
Roger-François GAUTHIER, Ministry of Education France, Expert of UNESCO The issue of the relevance of school knowledge in our time
Quang Cuong TON, VNU - University of Education, Vietnam Digital Transformation in Education: The Beginning from Inside the Classroom Dr. Mai Hoa NGUYEN, Senior Lecturer, University of New South Wales, Australia Teacher education: current issues
===================================================================================== MAIN SESSIONS VES 2020 Plenary session 1: Collaboration in education; Developing social science; Promoting a learning society Plenary session 2: (Re)defining aims of education for the 21st century Plenary session 3: Teaching and learning, Teacher education, Roles of schools in the age of digitalization "Happy lunch" Meeting (in Vietnamese) Parallel Session 1 Parallel Session 2 |