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Education Network (EduNet), a non-profit organization under the Association of Vietnamese Experts and Scientists (AVSE Global), founded the first Vietnam Education Symposium in 2018. VES 2023 is the third symposium with the special focus on Early Childhood Education.
With the support of the Project on Training and fostering teachers and preschool education administrators in the period of 2018 - 2025 (Ministry of Education and Training), EduNet will jointly host this symposium with the Hanoi National University of Education, represented by the Faculty of Early Childhood Education and the Office of Research and Technology; FAROS Education and Consulting; and Vietnam Journal of Education (Ministry of Education and Training).


Hanoi National University of Education


Hanoi National University of Education (abbreviation: HNUE, Vietnamese: Đại học Sư Phạm Hà Nội) was founded on 11st October 1951, and is the oldest and top teacher education provider in Vietnam. For over 70 years of development, the University has been committed to become the leading renowned center in educational and research activities in Vietnam and the region. We are striving to play an active facilitator in the country’s modernization and development in the 21st century and beyond.

Association of Vietnamese Scientists and Experts (AVSE Global)


The association of Vietnamese Scientists and Experts was founded in May 2011 with the main purpose of connecting intellectual sources in a systematical way to identify ideas, strategies, and implementation in all fields of sciences and techniques in foreign countries and at the same time orient to make contribution to the development of Vietnam.

FAROS Education & Consulting

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FAROS Education & Consulting is the leading training and consulting organization in Vietnam dedicated to educational institutions. We provide comprehensive solutions to improve operational efficiency and professional capacity for schools. Besides, FAROS is also a professional school design and operation unit for educational investors. Some outstanding projects that FAROS has directly established and operated in Vietnam are: I Can School system, Sao Khue Bilingual School, The Edu House educational complex...

Vietnam Journal of Education, Ministry of Education and Training

The Vietnam Journal of Education (VJE, ISSN 2588-1477) is a member organization of the Ministry of Education and Training (Vietnam). The journal focuses on publishing research findings in the field of education, expediting the integration of research, theory, and practice in education. VJE published the first issue in the fourth quarter of 2017. Since the fourth quarter of 2018, VJE has published articles with a publishing structure and process consistent with international scientific publishing standards. Since 2021, VJE has been highly appreciated by the State Council of Professors (one of the few journals with the highest rating in the field of education sciences in Vietnam).

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