PUBLICATION with VES > Vietnam Journal of Education - MoETIMPORTANT: Among high-quality papers accepted to present at VES 2023, some will be invited to submit full papers to the Symposium's associated journals based on their fit to the aims and scopes of each journal's Special Issues. Upon your paper is accepted for VES 2023 (by December 25, 2022), if Editoral Committee finds your paper a good fit for our Special Issues, you will be encouraged to declare your target journal with the VES 2023 Organizing Committee. The Organizing Committee then will inform the respective journal of your intention and follow up your submission status. If you wish to submit full papers to our associated journals, make sure you register to present at VES 2023 and submit your full manuscript to the journal by certain deadline after the Symposium date (March 25-26, 2023). More information will be included in the Submission decision email from VES 2023 Organizing Committee. Please refer to Publication General Information page for updated publication timeline. SUBMISSION GUIDELINES Register an account to submit your manuscript: https://vje.vn/index.php/journal/user/register The author(s) needs to prepare TWO MS Word FILES: Manuscript preparation
Kinds of articles and structure 1. Original articles Original articles are reports of basic investigations. The manuscript for an original article should be organized in the following sequence: Abstract (minimum 150 words and maximum 200 words); Keywords (4-6 keywords)
References (APA 7th) 2. Conceptual papers A conceptual paper reports a new conceptual framework developed by the author. It relates concepts to specific issues or research problems so as to advance and systematize knowledge. The manuscript for a conceptual paper should be organized in the following sequence with the headings chosen at the discretion of the author: Abstract (minimum 150 words and maximum 200 words) Keywords (4-6 keywords)
References (APA 7th) Other information for authors: https://vje.vn/index.php/journal/submission-guidelines Vietnam Journal of Education - MoET More information about VJE for Vietnamese publication at http://tapchigiaoduc.edu.vn/ or English publication at http://vje.vn/index.php/journal
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