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Thuy-Phuong NGUYEN

Thuy-Phuong NGUYEN - VES Director (EduNet-AVSE Global)

She obtained a PhD in Educational Sciences (Paris Descartes University, 2013) and graduated from the Master in "International Cooperation in Education and Training" (2009). She is a researcher in cultural decolonization and colonial and postcolonial education. She is a consultant in evaluation, expertise and cooperation projects in education in France and Vietnam. She has been working on the establishment of the Education Network (EduNet) of Association of Vietnamese Scientists and Experts Global. She organized in 2014-2015 a series of roundtables on the Vietnamese educational system in a comparative international perspective. As Vietnam Education Symposium Leader, she led her EduNet team to organize the annual Vietnam Education Symposium. Coach and trainer of Modus Operandi International Institute, she specializes in personal development by supporting individuals and groups to discover their excellence in action.

Nguyen Van Trao

NGUYEN Van Trao - VES 2023 Chair (HNUE)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Van Trao has worked as the Vice President of Hanoi National University of Education for ten years. His in-depth research directions are complex analysis in several variables and function theory. He has extensive experience in managing scientific and technological activities in universities, developing university training programs.




Trang PHAM-SHOUSE - VES 2023 Standing Chair (EduNet-AVSE Global)

She obtained her PhD. in Educational Leadership, Department of Education Policy Studies, The Pennsylvania State University, USA (2023). She got her Bachelor degree in TEFL and Master degree in English Linguistics from Vietnam National University, and a Master of Education from The Pennsylvania State University (as a Fulbright Vietnamese student). She's got more than 10 years of K12 teaching experience and 5 years working in youth empowerment and environment protection. She is a former Fulbright Student recipient, Alpha Delta Kappa International Teacher Excellent Awardee, and Delta Kappa Gamma World Fellow. She is interested in teacher preparation and youth engagement in service learning. Her research interests are teacher policies, teaching motivation and attrition, teachers job satisfaction, service learning, sustainable development, and AI applications in classroom such as social robots.

Nguyen Nhu Ngoc

Nhu-Ngoc NGUYEN - VES 2023 COMM & Foreign Affairs (EduNet-AVSE Global)

Dr. Ngoc Nguyen is currently a lecturer at the Faculty of Business Administration, Van Lang University, Hochiminh City, Vietnam. She graduated from Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation, Hiroshima University, majored in Organizational Behavior. Ngoc's research interests include corporate social responsibility, emotional intelligence in the workplace, creativity at individual and team levels, innovation management at organizational level, and educational management. 

Ngoc won the excellent student award of Hiroshima University in 2015; best thesis award of Department of Development Policy, Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation, Hiroshima University; and best paper of Organizational Behavior Division, at the 78th Academy of Management Annual Meeting, at Chicago, the USA. Ngoc has been serving as a key researcher for several projects funded by both national and international grants.

Duong Anh

Anh DUONG - VES 2023 COMM & Foreign Affairs (EduNet-AVSE Global)

Dr Anh Duong was awarded a PhD in Education (The University of Sydney, 2020). She has worked as a lecturer, researcher and a quality assurance specialist since 2010. Her research interest includes formative assessment, student engagement, teacher education for an uncertain future, and teaching and learning in higher education. Anh is an active member of professional communities such as the Center for Educational Measurement and Assessment (CEMA – The University of Sydney); the Oceania Comparative and International Education Studies (OCIES), and Education Network (AVSE Global). She is now working as an education consultant at Hochiminh City Project and Empowering Teachers for an Uncertain Future Project sponsored by Australium Alumni Grants Fund (2022-2023).

Nguyen Thuy Uyen Phuong

NGUYEN Thuy Uyen Phuong - VES 2023 Program Coordinator (FAROS)

Ms. Nguyen Thuy Uyen Phuong is an enforcer of new educational methods in Vietnam, especially especially in the field of early childhood education. She has participated in founding and many operating models, The educational project also aims to change awareness such as spreading progressive methods of educating children in community. She is a leading expert in Vietnam in the field of consulting for setup and operation school learning and training personnel working in the field of education. She currently holds the position of Chairperson of the ICS Preschool and Primary School Board (I Can School), is The school pioneered the application of Design Thinking in teaching methods learn. Before that, she was also the founder of the TOMATO system of Foreign School lock - initialization of devices emotional education program (Social & Emotional Learning (SEL) for short) and Multi-Intelligence method Minh (Multiple Intelligences, Howard Gardner, Harvard University) for young children, emphasizing value"Love - Nurture - Respect" in children's education.

Duong Minh Lam

Minh Lam DUONG - VES 2023 Review & Publication (HNUE)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Duong Minh Lam serves as Head of Office for Research Affairs, Science and Technology Management, Hanoi National University of Education. His research interests include mycology and microbiology. He is in charge of managing University’s research equipments, research projects and investment projects for science and technology. Besides, he has led some research projects including Blue Communities, Vietnam Enhancing Teacher Education Program, etc.



Hoang Hai Ha

Ha Hai HOANG - VES 2023 Program Coordinator (HNUE)

Ha Hai Hoang (Assoc. Prof. Dr.) is a senior lecturer at Hanoi National University of Education (Vietnam). She earned a Master of Art in European Studies from Maastricht University (the Netherlands), and a double Doctoral degree in International/European Politics from Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies (Italy) and Ghent University (Belgium). Her current research focuses on modern history of Vietnam and history of Vietnamese diplomacy. She is the author of some conference papers and articles published in Asia Europe Journal, International Relations, and Contemporary Politics.


Tran Thi Kim Lien

TRAN Thi Kim Lien - VES 2023 Program Secretary (HNUE)

Mrs. Tran Thi Kim Lien, a Master of Early Childhood Education, is a lecturer working at Faculty of Early Childhood Education, Ha Noi National University of Education. She is also an assistant of scientific research in her faculty. The major aim of her research was to care and education for children under 3 years old. She has such experience in research and training in the field of chidren care and development. She was invited to be a national reporter in project Viet Nam School Readiness Promotion Project funded by World Bank.She has been member of some projects which are organized by Ministry of Education and Training such as East Asia-Pacific Early Child Development Scales Adaption and ACEI Global Guidelines Assessment Adaption.

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