PUBLICATION with VES > Policy Futures in Education



IMPORTANT: High-quality papers accepted to present at VES 2023 will be invited to submit full papers to the Symposium's associated journals based on their fit to the aims and scopes of each journal's Special Issues.

When your paper is accepted for VES 2023 (by December 25, 2022), if Editoral Committee finds your paper a good fit for our Special Issues, you will be encouraged to declare your target journal with the VES 2023 Organizing Committee. The Organizing Committee then will inform the respective journal of your intention and follow up with your submission status. 

If you wish to submit full papers to our associated journals, make sure you register to present at VES 2023 and submit your full manuscript to the journal by certain deadline after the Symposium date (March 25-26, 2023). More information will be included in the Submission decision email from VES 2023 Organizing Committee. Please refer to Publication General Information page for updated publication timeline. 


Policy Futures in Education is an international peer reviewed journal which aims to be the leading inter-disciplinary journal in the field of policy in all areas related to education. The journal welcomes submissions from a broad range of disciplines underpinning policy studies, including Western, non-Western and indigenous perspectives of local and global policy. The journal publishes original research, contemporary debates, issues and interviews, new cutting-edge theoretical policy frameworks and outlooks and reviews of relevant books. The papers published in this journal represent rigorous research and scholarship and aim to lead up-coming and contemporary thought and thinkers in the field.

The journal publishes both regular issues and special issues on specific subject areas, policy commentaries and reviews of significant topics. The readership of the journal consists of academics, practitioners and policy makers across the disciplines and fields of education, sociology, anthropology, women and gender studies, critical psychology, philosophy, childhood studies, environment, law, human and social sciences, social work and many others.

👉 Prof. Marek Tesar, Editor-in-chief, is a keynote speaker and member of the Scientific Committee at VES 2023. He was also keynote speaker at VES 2020 and a member of Scientific Committee at VES 2021.



Register or Log in to the journal submision portal: Click HERE

Types of articles:

Quality academic articles: 6000-7000 words (main text)

Preparing your manuscript for submission


The preferred format for your manuscript is Word. LaTeX files are also accepted. Word and (La)Tex templates are available on the Manuscript Submission Guidelines page of our Author Gateway.

Artwork, figures and other graphics

For guidance on the preparation of illustrations, pictures and graphs in electronic format, please visit SAGE’s Manuscript Submission Guidelines.

Figures supplied in colour will appear in colour online regardless of whether or not these illustrations are reproduced in colour in the printed version. For specifically requested colour reproduction in print, you will receive information regarding the costs from SAGE after receipt of your accepted article.

Supplemental material

Policy Futures in Education does not currently accept supplemental files.

Reference style

Policy Futures in Education adheres to the SAGE Harvard reference style. View the SAGE Harvard guidelines to ensure your manuscript conforms to this reference style.

If you use EndNote to manage references, you can download the SAGE Harvard EndNote output file.

Listed, are a few examples of in-text referencing in Harvard style: 

1. If the author’s name is in the text, follow with year in parentheses: ... Author Last Name (year) has argued ... 

2. If author’s name is not in the text, insert last name, comma and year: ... several works (Author Last Name, year) have described ...

For more examples, please click here. 

English language editing services 

Authors seeking assistance with English language editing, translation, or figure and manuscript formatting to fit the journal’s specifications should consider using SAGE Language Services. Visit SAGE Language Services on our Journal Author Gateway for further information.


Policy Futures in Education



All information regarding the Symposium, Submission guidelines, and Registrations will be updated in our website and Facebook. Please refer your inquiries to VES 2023 Organizing Committee using the information below or fill in this form.

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