PUBLICATION with VES > Journal of Science - HNUE



IMPORTANT: High-quality papers accepted to present at VES 2023 will be invited to submit full papers to the Symposium's associated journals based on their fit to the aims and scopes of each journal's Special Issues.

Upon your paper is accepted for VES 2023 (by December 25, 2022), if Editoral Committee finds your paper a good fit for our Special Issues, you will be encouraged to declare your target journal with the VES 2023 Organizing Committee. The Organizing Committee then will inform the respective journal of your intention and follow up with your submission status. 

If you wish to submit full papers to our associated journals, make sure you register to present at VES 2023 and submit your full manuscript to the journal by certain deadline after the Symposium date (March 25-26, 2023). More information will be included in the Submission decision email from VES 2023 Organizing Committee. Please refer to Publication General Information page for updated publication timeline.


The Journal of Science is published by the Hanoi National University of Education. The purpose of the Journal is to publish original research papers and survey articles in all areas of science. The Journal is published annually and presents original articles in the fields of Natural Science, Social Science and Educational Science. 


Register an account to submit your manuscript: 

The scientific content of all manuscripts is reviewed by specialists in the appropriate field. The submission of a paper implies the author's assurance that it is not being considered for publication in other journals. Non-accepted manuscripts will not be returned. 

Form of Manuscript 

  • Papers use scientific terms and legal units of measurement issued by the Government or used popularly in the professional area. 
  • Papers should be typed in Times New Roman font, size 12, line spacing of at least 16; not exceeding 10 pages (equivalent to 5,000-7,000 words).
  • Authors are encouraged to prepare manuscripts in Latex for Natural Sciences papers, in Microsoft Word for other sciences and A4 size paper. Papers should be used ACD/Chem. Sketch or Science Helperfor Word for chemical formulas. Figures must be clear, not over 17 cm x 14 cm. Figure’s title should be placed underneath. Table’s title should be placed above. 

Paper format

  • Abstract: topic idea and content
  • Introduction: summary of domestic and abroad research, actual issues, proposals
  • Content: research methodology, research time and means, research content carried out
  • Conclusion: main research results, further research directions
  • References

The endnote must indicate author’s full name, address of institutions, contact telephone and email address. 

References should be listed in the order in which they appear in the paper and written in the conventional manner with examples provided as follows: 

  • Arshak Petrosyan, Henrik Shahgholian and Nina N. Uraltseva, 2012. Regularity of Free Boundaries in Obstacle-Type Problems (Graduate Studies in Mathematics). American Mathematical Society, Vol. 136, pp. 7-28. 
  • A. Kokatov and B. A. Plamenevskii, 2005. On the asymptotic on solutions to the Neumann problem for hyperbolic systems in domain with conical point. English transl., St. Petersburg Math. J., Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 477-506. 
  • V. A. Solonikov, 1983. On the solvability of classical initial boundary value problem for the heat equation in a dihedral angle. Zap. Nauchn. Sem. Leningr. Otd. Mat. Inst., 127, p. 7-48, (in Russian). 

Other detailed guides for authors (in Vietnamese):


Journal of Science - HNUE




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